Hello from Heaven in Crumlin

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A very Special Intimate Evening with Psychic Medium Fiona Stewart Williams bring her tour to The Fiddlers Inn in Crumlin

A very special evening of Spirit Communication and Psychic Insights to a very small and exclusive audience. Fiona’s demonstrations and workshops have taken her all over the world to places such as Norway, Slovenia, Gurnsey, America, Spain, and England to name but a few of the counties she returns to regularly. For one night only, she brings her very special talent to, Crumlin.

During this show, Fiona’s friendly and bubbly personality shines as she shares the stories of your loved ones in a unique, honest, and sometimes utterly hilarious way. Whilst not everyone will receive a message, Fiona hopes that you will experience the joy of families being reunited and have comfort in the knowledge that the soul can not die.

The main focus of these events is for you to feel some sense of comfort and healing both from listening to the stories of others and perhaps sharing your own, leaving you with the knowledge that your loved ones our closer than we could ever imagine – a whisper away.

Whilst not everyone will receive a message, Fiona hopes that you will experience the joy of families being reunited and have comfort in the knowledge that the soul lives on.

The main focus of these events is to bring some sense of comfort and healing both from listening to the stories of love ones leaving you with the knowledge that your loved ones stand closer than could ever imagine – a whisper away.


18+ Event

You are purchasing a ticket on the understanding that it is given for research, spiritual and/or entertainment purposes only. Not everyone is guaranteed a message as this event is a demonstration of Fiona’s unique talent. Your payment is welcome and gains you entrance to this special meeting.


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