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Hi Fiona, just wanted to thank you for your reading today. It gave me great hope for the future and a willingness to continue. Things have been really tough for me lately and it felt great leaving Blue Moon today with a positive and happy feeling in my gut. I will def be seeing you again. Clare.xxx
Fiona, I just wanted to thank you for my reading on Tues, it has given myself and my husband a lot of peace knowing his dad is ok. You have an amazing gift and everything made so much sense, even stuff I thought didn’t make sense now makes sense after talking to relatives, if u know what I mean lol! Thank you xx
Hi Fiona, I was at Portrush Town Hall tonight to see you. I just want to thank you for my message and flower from my Mummy. I can’t tell you how amazing it was! you gave me Lilly’s which was my Mummy’s favorite flower, it had the message In Loving Memory on it, she will have passed away 9 years, in 10 day’s time! but what I find truly astounding is that there was two Pearl’s attached to the flower’s. Pearl was my Mummy’s name. Thank you Fiona, you truly are an amazing woman, keep up your magnificent work.
Thanks again
Hi Fiona,
A big thank you for a wonderful phone reading. The knowledge you had about relatives passed on was uncanny, even providing me with names. You were wonderful. Thanks again.
Fiona I had an amazing time doing the workshop at the Creggan country park, I hope to see you there again soon,
Thank you. Good luck with your tour
I would definately recommend people to go to ur tour… was amazing… was there tonight in Ballymac and loved it, so thankyou Fiona for my wonderful messages π
Julie Williamson
Hi Fiona, I just wanted to say what a great night I had on Wednesday night having a reading done. I was so overwhelmed when my Granny came through as I wasn’t expecting it, also when you mentioned I was studying and was going to be successful in my efforts to become a midwife I just couldn’t have asked for better news. Thank you so much I will definitley be back.
Although I have an open mind ,I was prepared to be disappointed having had vague readings before from various “psychics”… Have to say Thanks to Fiona as her spirit reading was both accurate and unbelievably spot on. I would recommend that the other open minded or just plain curious people go ….They could be in for an awakening !.. Thanks again Fiona, Marian
Jst wanted to say a big thanks for Saturday, ur reading was spot on and has definately left me feeling an awful lot happier about everything π …much much appreciated π xx
Had such a wonderful experience last night with Fiona Stewart-Williams Medium up in the Creggan country park as my cousin Gary McCann was the first to come through with a message which Fiona represented me with a plant which symbolises the functioning of the liver but reassured me that Gary had come through to let me know that he was in no pain, he is at peace and happy with the people that he is with and he was in a dark place whilst on this earth but is in a good place with good people. I am very happy and comforted from the message and Fiona Williams will be back in September at the Creggan country park for anyone that has not heard of her before, she is truely a gift from god and true to her word and I would advise anyone seeking reassurance to visit her in September!!
I attended the demonstration of Mediumship with my friend Sandra yesterday at Portrush. Having seen only on tv previously demos, and not really believing,I found Fiona to be a truly special person bringing through messages from them “up Stairs” to members of the audience. One lady actually got two messages! I was disappointed that no one from my family who all have passed wanted to make contact with me, but maybe another time.
Fiona’s bubbly personality came through very well as she demonstrated the way the deceased person acted, leaving us all with the belief that there is life after death and more to look forward to.
Thank you Fiona.
Myself and two of my friends had readings with FIona on the 7th of april, we were all delighted with the connections we recieved from spirit through Fiona. This lady is very down to earth and will put you at ease straight away. i would recommend this lady to anyone wanting a reading. once again thankyou Fiona for a wonderful reading. Shauna Blackwood
Hi Fiona was at Meadowbank tonight and would just like to say “even though none of my past relations wanted to speak to me” you have a beautiful gift. It was our first time going to anything like this and yhou were just incredible. My sister and myself took alot from tonight. Will hope to see you again very soon.
Teresa. x
Just wanted to say that I had a reading with you about 5 months ago and so far everything that you told me has come true, have to say, I though it was all just a bit of a laugh at the time but everything you said was true, youve made a believer out of me and I am deff booking to see you again.
I went to see Fiona with the hope that she could contact my late Father. Not only did this happen but 3 other relatives come through with personal messages. I found this very overwelming and it was a great help to me. Many Thanks Foina!!!
Just wanted to say a big thank you to Fiona Stewart Williams. Went to her show in Antrim tonight and got the most lovely and personal message from my mammy Katie. Fiona gave me a flower called Bells of Ireland and sang a song which mammy katie used to sing to me. It was so precious and proves that nobody leaves us. They just move onto another place to wait for us. Will treasure that flower and the message. Thanks Catherine so much for asking me to go with you.
Dear Fiona,
Just to say thankyou for your workshop last Saturday , and how much I enjoyedit and
benefitted from it! I felt strangely calm that evening – which, for me, was a great feeling.
I think you will need to start correspondence courses???? – maybe you already do
Best wishes
Val (the novice!)
From the bottom of my heart I thank you Fiona for an amazing workshop “The Joy of Spirit” on Saturday 15th October, at the Edinburgh College of Parapsychology. It was such an uplifting experience for my friend Sharon and I, we both wanted more and more of your teachings. Your Friday night Flower Service was the start of us being amazed, we’d never witnessed anything like this before, your evidence was soooo accurate and uplifting for those that were lucky enough to receive a message. In your own words “you deliver exactly what it says on the tin”!!! God bless and keep you Fiona, much love and hugs Lynne xx
was at you show on thursday 29th in Dunsilly, although I didn’t get a message just to sit and listen to all the stories of peoples loved ones touched me, I have seen a lot of mediums work and have to say that not only are you very funny and entertaining but evidence you gave was incredible I will be booking in to see you again.
Fiona amazing u r i was at creggan country park last nite, i was the girl whos mammy came through + u said about me being connect with the Angels + doing my Angel cards etc., just wanna thank you soo much u r a gifted wonderful spirit + i loved every minute, ive been to alot of mediums etc. u were much better than sally morgan!! big hug fiona xxxxxx
hi … just wanted 2 say that i really enjoyed the experience 2day at the session … thanks for all the insight and messages … see u again soon … hopefully on 25th sept π
hi,fiona,boy i really enjoyed today an you are such a lovely,lovely genuine warm hearted individual,i will def be in touch again,remem me i am fiona too,reflexologist.Was at your workshop in Toome,and will indeed be spreading the great word of you which i experienced myself today,thanks a million and be talking to you soonlots of love,luck,and of course laughter xxx
Hi Fiona
My brother and I visited you on the 8th August and I was amazed at how accurate your reading was, we were able to connect with our mum and family members and it gave us a lot of comfort, thank you so much, I have recommended you to family and friends and will definitely pay you another visit.
Kind Regards, Carol xx
Hello Friend, well you went down a storm. People who had lost hope found some, people wounded were healed and people for a moment felt their loved ones close.
Thank you for coming to the maiden city and shring your exceptional gift with us. Cant wait till next time xxx
Hi Fiona,
i had a readin with you in west belfast 2 yrs ago, and had actually left a testimonial after this. you were right in what you said, cant remember all of it now, but i did pass my nursing. anyway, was wondering how much you charge for phone readings as i want clarification on some areas in life.
hope to hear from you soon,
Hi Fiona, I just want to say thank you so much for my reading this afternoon I feel I can be a bit more content now! Thanks again! Donna
Hi Fiona,
just wanted to say hello and thanks for the reading last night. you’ve gave me a lot to think about! i still cant believe my granny was able to tell you about how i rubbed cream into her hands just before she died, it was one of the very last times i saw her before she died and its one of the things i remember very clearly from around that time when she was just fed up with everything.
thanks again,
will see you soon
I had a reading done a few weeks ago and was really impressed with all that you told me. I was so happy and content after connecting with my dad and it only confirmed what I always knew in my heart. Thank you Fiona. I have told all of my friends about the experience and am so looking forward to seeing you again.
25/01/2011 I was with Fiona today she was amazing got me down to a tee and give me inspirational messages from my grandparents. Thankyou and I will see you next month in Toome.xx
I have been to other psychics but no-one quite like Fiona. I was totally amazed at her powers of communication to the spirit world. She told me things that totally amazed me and left me feeling so happy and content afterwards. Will definitely see her again and highly reccomend her to anyone who needs those answers no-one else can give **********
Had my first ever reading today and was totally amazed at how accurate Fiona was id also like to say a big thank you Fiona for putting my mind at ease about things.
thanks again
Hi Fiona
I was with you today and just wanted to say a huge thankyou!! I was with you last year to, both times when I have been struggling and felt like I had reached a crossroads in my life. Your sensational gift was able to settle me in so many ways, to answer questions that i needed answers to and to guide me in the right direction. Your readings were absolutely spot on! You are an amazing person with an open friendly and compassionate manner which compliments your gift. My husband was with you 6 months ago, all three readings in the last year have been conclusive. Thank you again and I hope to be in contact with you soon!
hI Fiona,
I have had many readings done with fiona. She Is Absolutey fantastic. She has helped both me and my mum through losing my dad last year.and all the brillant advice i got.
i tink fiona is truly an earth angel.
Hi Fiona
Just want to thank you so much for seeing my teenage son who is having digestive problems which are really ruling his life. You are such a lovely person to talk to, very empathetic with a great sense of humour. His reiki session with you really helped him and the advice and personal things you told him have made a big difference to him. You were very kind not to charge and it was my pleasure to leave a wee donation.
Prior to meeting you with my son, my friend and I had attended one of your flower sentience evenings at Dunsilly Hotel and really enjoyed it. I was so fortunate to get a lovely message and flower from my Mum in spirit and I was absolutely delighted (even though I cried my eyes out!) by your very accurate reading. Mum has left me with a real family mystery though that I am trying to solve and I really look forward to meeting you again in the next few months for a personal reading when I hope she will pass on more details!
You are a real earth angel and have such an amazing gift. Thank you so much for sharing it.
With very best wishes
Sylvia x
Just checkin out your website and find it both impressive and encouraging. I am really looking forward to your evening of Clairvoyance on 25th March, but most of all, I am looking forward to seeing you again. Til then………T. xo.
Hi Fiona
On behalf of Mencap, could I pass on a big thank you for organising the
medium show in aid of Mencap at the Centre Spot. The event raised Β£350
which we are delighted with. As you mentioned times are getting more
difficult for charities, so every penny is so important and it is
brilliant when people like yourself undertake organising events.
Best wishes
Dear Fiona
Thank you so much for the wonderful reading that took place in my friends house. I have been to many pychics and mediums before and I have to admit, I have never experienced someone as highly talented as yourself!!
You were spot on with practically everything, and i was most impressed at the fact that you were able to tell me that i was named after my uncle who died 8 years before i was born, i always thought my mum just told me that! I also gave my mum the message that my uncle wanted passed onto her and she almost cried, only for the fact that she was driving! She said to tell you thanks!
Finally, I am so very grateful that you confirmed that everything I am studying for is obtainable and I am so delighted that my dream of becoming a midwife is coming close to reality!
Thanks again!
Seaneen xxx
Hey Fiona, jus thought I’d send ye a wee quick e-mail before I go to bed, jus to say thanks very much for comin down the day, we were all delighted way our readins, Lisa is only away from mines there now an we were jus talkin about it til then lol, i think were all a wee bit still in awe o the whole thing, it was brilliant. My Granny was on the phone to her sister the nite an they both want to see ye soon as well, do you do readins at home or would you have to come down again? for i said if i pass my test this week that id drive the 2 o them up sometime whenever your free.
Hi Fiona,
Just a wee email to say thank very much for last nights reading, it was exactly right and made me feel contented to know my grandad is well.
Will be arranging an appointment for other family members shortly, so see you soon
Thanks again
Hello Fiona,
Really enjoyed tonight at the Indian Church, have never attended anything like this before but I thought your were very good. Really good you donate all takens to charity.
Thanks Again
Vera Brady
Hello Fiona,
I would like to thank you for the wonderful workshop I attended at Troon through the Rainbow Church. I had an amazing time.
I would also like to thank you for the reading I received at the church form yourself and say it ment so much to me. I have dried the rose you gave me and have it with my cards for guidance.
Love and Light to you and yours
Margaret Beattie
Dear Fiona,
Thank you for the auragraph that you did for my daughter Sarah. Yes you where right about the 3 aspects or focal points to her illness. Mobility is an issue as you quite rightly indicated and also you mentioned that her concept of day or night has no meaning. You mentioned angels and angelic guardians that watch over her and this has given me so much peace. I have shown her auragraph to my family and friends who all say that it is so Sarah and I now have gained a greater understanding of her as she has no means of vocal communication.
Thank you
Dear Fiona,
After receiving your auragraph and reading I was thrilled to bits not only with the picture but also the content of your interpretation. It was spot on. The picture was stunning the colours where vibrant and beautiful and when I looked at it I was able to see how you got your information. You mentioned two spirit communicators, one was my mum and the other was my husband’s granny. Verification of my own path way which is now in progress and I have to say, it is always good to have verification of where you’re going. Your personal profile of me was spot on and yes I am now building my confidence up as you stated. It was only months later that other aspects of the reading regarding my husband where confirmed.
Thank you again
Hello Fiona, I was a little sceptical as to what to expect from your reading. But I was totally amazed at the accuracy and the detail that you went into. Thank you so much for the reassurance and advice about certain matters. I will most certainly contact you again. Thank you.
. I just wanted to say a huge thankyou for my reading on Monday. I lost my mum recently and to have such a positive reading was amazing and brought me such comfort. You are truly wonderful, Thanku again xox
Hi Fiona, had a great time at the lighthouse today -tea leaf reading. I have always been slightly freaked by the whole ‘psychic’ thing but was told one day I would meet someone who would change my mind and think today was the day!! So much so I am even considering a reading!! Talking to a few friends to see if they are up for a group booking but if we can’t sort that I may try and sort a time that works with you!! Thanks for opening my eyes today – it’s an odd experience!! Ax
Fiona, thank you so much for the reading last Monday. So much you told me was spot on. And hopefully lots of exciting things to come. And guess what he’s planning a night away to Donegal just as you told me. ;0) Exciting times ahead! Thanks again. xo
Hi Fiona, had a reading about 6 wks ago….you asked me if we had a dead dog – next day our old collie was put to sleep. You also said I would return to my old job via an agency…today the agency rang offering me a vacancy to do the same job I’d done previously (right down to sitting at the same desk!). There were other things too – and they’ve all come to pass.
Thanks again…you’re the best x
This was an absolutely amazing experience when my mum came to you in Ballycastle with the flowers can’t explain how an amazing experience this is you are truly so gifted Fiona xx
Hi Fiona, I was at Portrush Town Hall tonight to see you. I just want to thank you for my message and flower from Roger my brother. I canβt tell you how amazing it was, everything you told us was spot on…..Thank you Fiona, you truly are an amazing woman, keep up your magnificent work.
Thanks again
Linda xx
“What a fantastic evening we had tonight at Belfast Castle. Amazing readings. Looking forward to seeing you again”
A fabulous residential weekend at Ross’s Castle with Fiona. An exceptional venue, beautiful setting and a stunning Castle.
The spirit world were in abundance communicating with us and guiding us. Their presence was felt in every corner of this beautiful building. We all grew in friendship and mediumship under Fiona’s expert guidance.
Personal favourite moment was automatic writing, although it was hard to pick as Fiona did a very special seance on Saturday night where we were surrounded by children and their laughter. The happiness was palpable.
Please go if you ever get the opportunity it was wonderful.
Kind regards,
After a brilliant weekend in this amazzzzzzzzing castle, watch the video, feel the energy…..get the goooooossseeeebumps! N believe me Fiona Stewart Williams was completely correct when she predicted lots of action up the stairs and even on them! βοΈπβοΈππ»π»π»ππ»βοΈπβοΈπππ»ππ»ππ» enjoyed my time with you girls and our little spirit friends so much xoxo
Kate Carlile Kimberlay Sharon Angela Deborah Michelle Crystal Claire
Fiona thank you for coming all the way to Portstewart today for us girls!…We all had fantastic readings and all hope to see you again…now get those feet up and relax I’m sure you are knackered! ππΌ
My grandad and granny came through last night.
First time I’ve ever been picked outta a crowd.
Now I believe.
There is something up there.
The comfort you feel knowing that loved ones is watching over you and everything is going to work out. And the flower that was sent for me heart warming. ππππ
Want thank Fiona Stewart Williams for bring my granny throw the nite and the lovely flower and angel hugs and kisses badge ill deffo b goin bk this woman she is brilliant Christopher Obryan rember wot granny said lol that woman always new how bring a smile 2 my face love u so much granny xx
Brilliant teachings with fiona today, learnt so much into the theory of trance nd had a wonderful workshop watchg fellow collegues goin into trance. Another amazing day. Thku to u all.
A brilliant day with an amazing teacher who nurtures us, gives honest feedback, teaches us from her own experiences and someone I trust with my life! I can’t recommend Fiona’s workshops highly enough for those out there who care about healing the earth, animals and fellow humans while fulfilling their life’s purpose. I know I have come on leaps and bounds in the past year and a half and have finally found that ‘ piece’ of my life that was missing. Thank you Fiona- I totally admire you as a mentor and friend x
And what a fabulous day it was for sure!!!!!! Thank you Fiona for being such an inspirational teacher, striking every chord correctly within each of us.
And thank you to all you girls in the group, I feel it was the most powerful group I’ve ever sat in, certainly the most comfortable and at peace I’ve ever been in any group! I felt truly humbled to be among that level of awareness and gifts! ππππ
Very good post! We will be linking to this particularly
great article on our website. Keep up the great
Had a great reading with Fiona recently. I had one with her three years ago which was so good that I was encouraged to have another this month – I was not disappointed! The reading showed how I have progressed in my life in the interim. You can really feel her connection with Spirit that offers both guidance and healing. If you get a chance to see Fiona demonstrate do – her style is unique and she has that ability to keep the audience captivated. For those on a learning path in Spirituality, it is worthwhile participating in one of her group workshops because she is willing to share her extensive level of knowledge and experience but is also down to earth in her approach.
What can I say? This lady is wonderful. I went to see her show a couple of weeks ago and I was so touched and amazed by her connection between the other side and here I had to book a one to one with her and believe me I was so not disappointed. She is really down to earth I was put at ease as soon as she met me at the door. She was imparting information to me from loved ones on the other side that only they and I would know I have got real comfort from having an explanation on something very traumatic that happened in my life. I personally got suck a lot from this one to one. I am very much considering attending one of her workshops and will most definitely have another one to one further down the line.
Go to one of her shows in the first instance and I guarantee anyone who does will not wait until a one to one appointment is booked.
Thank you Fiona β€οΈ
Fiona was absolutely incredible, every single thing she said made so much sense and was in such great detail. I left feeling so at peace and happier after leaving. Such a lovely person, so welcoming and pleasant to speak to. I will definitely be back again sometime. Thank you Fiona β€οΈ
I was very skeptical, but kept myself open, hoping for some connection to those who have passed. My sister and myself decided to go to a group session in Belfast, and we were just blown away. Fiona communicated a ‘mum’ was communicating. At first she was open saying this may not be your aunt as she’s definitely saying ‘mum’. It made sense to us though, as she always said we were like her daughters. Fiona went on to tell exactly how she passed and I was shocked, but still skeptical. Could this just be a great, very precise guess? That all dissipated when Fiona shared details of how my aunt acted. She showed my aunts exact mannerisms telling us to watch her do them (she literally at one point said watch me as I sit on this chair – your aunt is showing me her doing it. Its VERY distinctive). She spoke about a lot of things that only my family would know, mimicked my aunts big bold personality and responded to something I was saying, showing my aunt retorting through Fiona in exactly the way she did when she was here. She even mentioned something we as a family had done at Christmas so celebrate my aunt and it was all correct. Every last bit. I truly cannot express the gratitude and relief myself and my sister had during this experience. I will be forever grateful to Fiona, it’s gave us much needed comfort and closure.